Regardless of your taste in music, it is undeniable that Chicago is one of the hubs of good music. Ranging from the soothing tones of Chicago’s Peter Cetera to the powerful lyrics from Disturbed or The Smashing Pumpkins, even the country goodness of The Young Guns – Chicago is a haven for music. Needless to say, the impact of musicians will have influenced each youngster at some point, and everyone wants to be in a band; and chances are, many of them think of it as a phase that will pass.

For those individuals who are too keen on the idea of playing music and being a musician, there are certain considerations to make before you can ‘go out gigging.’ To create a successful band, it is important to complete a series of steps. Yes, the world of music should be ‘free and flowing, dude,’ but some preparation is required to produce effective results. This article will discuss how to effectively start a local band in Chicago.

  1. Choose Your Style Of Music

The first step to creating a local rocking band in Chicago is to determine the type of music you would like to play. It is all good and well to decide on pop music, but if you love Disturbed, the chances are you will fail miserably. Choosing your style of music will not only help you decide the type of music you will play, but it will also assist you in recruiting band members suited to the style.

  1. Find Band Mates

Assuming you have chosen a style of music you feel comfortable pursuing, the next step is to locate suitable band members. For example, if you are interested in creating a rock band it is necessary to develop a basic four-person group. You will need a lead vocalist, a bassist, a guitarist, and a drummer to begin. You can also expand on the members later on if you feel the band requires ‘more oomph.’ Popular variations include the addition of a keyboardist, back-up singers, or multiple guitarists.

To locate band members, you will need to promote auditions using methods such as professional SEO services. Keep in mind that there are many other agencies out there so be sure to do a reaserch before making any decsions. One of the best ways to find out if the company you are hiring is good for your band is to make sure that the company  is ranking for many terms on the first page of Google. This can be done using the internet as many people can place posts about a new band on their Facebook or Twitter profiles. Due to the popularity of social media, the internet is arguably the most effective means of finding band mates; however, advertising auditions via word-of-mouth or on bulletin boards in community centers is also an option.

  1. Find A Rehearsal Space

One of the key things that all bands require is an area to rehearse. After auditions and once band mates have been located, it is necessary to find a suitable rehearsal space. Practicing in a bedroom may be useful for a single person or duo; however, a four-person group will require an area larger as space needs to accommodate all the musical equipment.

The most common areas used include garages or spare rooms. It is important to remember that the band will be making a noise; therefore, it is recommended that the area is either away from others or has some form of soundproofing. If you have some financial backing, it may be worthwhile looking into renting rehearsal space from a community center or in a studio.

  1. Practice

The next step is to practice and practice like mad! If you have chosen to write original songs, this is the time to put your heads down and begin writing. Practicing and developing songs will not only determine your skills as musicians but will point out the chemistry between the band members. Chemistry is essential to have an effective local band in Chicago. Think about it, if the band members in the band Chicago did not have chemistry they would not be able to orchestrate such complex songs with guitars, vocals, drums, and brass.

If the relationship between the band members is strained, it is recommended that you consider disbanding and finding new members. It is better to begin again rather than face gigs with an awkward set.


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